The horses bite each other to indicate that they like to play. Play bites are common among young horses, especially colts and geldings. The horses sometimes try to start the game with people by biting game. Young horses, when given a chance to leave after being arrested, often inclined to bite in his enthusiasm. Horses also prepares each other with their teeth. They gently nibble their herd mates, particularly the cross and neck, and sometimes direct the preparation behavior toward their human guardians.
Biting directed to humans is a dangerous behavior, regardless of motivation. The good news is that most bite problems can be solved through management and training.
Pinching and Trafficking
Horses explore their environment with their mouths. In particular, if bored, horses tend to mouth things and nuzzle at their disposal, including people. People sometimes inadvertently contribute to this problem. For example, if you often move your horse when given a nudge, but then was distracted while talking with a friend and not paying attention to his horse, she might get frustrated and try to pinch. Some horses will do the same thing when they want candy.
Pinching in these situations is not aggression, but it is a natural behavior that a horse can learn to use to her advantage. In fact, some managers will not allow stable students to give their horses because they think it is the horses from biting. There is some truth to this, some horses will receive fast if you give treats in your hand. But the problem is not trafficking. This is how the sweets are delivered and, more importantly, who is in control of their delivery. If the demands of your horse is patting or pinching and then forced him to his horse will nip it because that is what has been taught to do!
However, if you give your horse is when you pet or a snack, she will not bother pushing or pinching sweets. This lesson is particularly effective if they also teach that she can get is by performing a specific behavior such as nodding, kissing or touching the nose to a target. (Please see our article, How to teach horses to their destination, for detailed information about how to teach your horse this fun and useful skill.) When you ask your horse to perform the trick again that I taught, marks the moment when she correctly answered saying a word like "Yes!" or "Good!" Then your reward with a treat. With this technique, teach your horse that gives you the answers you ask, do not bite, "and you will win is pinched nip in the bud!
Nip Simple Rules for treatment-free
- Do not give your horse when it touches you or your pockets.
- Do not take it into his pockets and then let your horse try to recover them.
- Do not give your horse the opportunity to nip at his hands while offering a treat. Whenever you give it, keep your palm flat and facing upward, fingers held together well and tipped slightly downward.
- When you want to give your horse a treat, ask him to perform some simple behavior to win. The moment she does the behavior is marked with "Yes!" And then to get treatment.
How to teach the horse not to bite
If your horse has been bitten in the past, take time to assess the situation. When does the bite? What was happening around your horse? What had happened or was about to happen to her? Answering these questions can help determine when the horse is more likely to bite. Then you can make an effort to avoid these situations or change in some way to reduce the motivation for his horse to bite.
- Protection Resources Some horses bite during meals. If your horse bites when you bring your food, teach her to lose the food that she thinks she is protecting scathing with their behavior:
- At the moment his horse aggressive behavior directed towards you, simply walk away from the food and go.
- When the horse stops behaving aggressively, they return with dinner. If she reacts aggressively again, simply turn on again. If you are consistent, your horse will stop being aggressive.
- Does your horse bite when afraid? If so, its desensitized to things they fear. Please see our articles, horses that are afraid of noises, horses that are susceptible to manipulation and horses to be thrown head, for information on how to solve these problems related to fear. Pain is the horse bites because he is in pain? Carefully evaluate their physical and welding techniques. Does your chair form? If you girthing too fast or too well? Circle slowly and unhurriedly. Always be careful and gentle when tacking. High energy Does your horse bite of emotion, simply because it has too much energy to be contained? If you have a high horse power, channel and reduce the energy:
If she does not lunge or rather, work on their leadership skills. main skills involve teaching your horse to give to pressure, to produce their hindquarters and a backup. These are all skills that will focus the attention of your horse and help work off their energy. Please see our article, How to teach horses to lead, to learn to teach these skills useful.
Dealing with Aggression
When the horse bites, the bite is aggressive? He covered his ears and mouth to push forward? Aggression should be dealt with through more than management training and simple, so you may need to seek help. It is better to work under the direction of a Certified Applied Animal behaviorist (or ACAAB CAAB), a veterinary behaviorist board certified (Dip ACVB) or an experienced coach with aggression in horses. Please see our article, Where to seek professional help to locate one of these qualified experts in behavior. If you decide to hire a coach because you can not find a behaviorist in your area, make sure the trainer you choose is trained to help. Find out if he or she has the education and experience in successfully treating the aggression horse.
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